Minu praktika Shianda kylas, Keenias on l2bi saanud ja emotsioone on palju. Viimasel n2dalal keskendusime tagasiside andmisele ja kokkuv6tete tegemisele. Koostasime naistegruppidele ka materjalid k2sitletud teemadest, et informatsioon kaotsi ei l2heks. Ma v2ga loodan, et meie tagasiside j6uab ka j2rgmise aasta GLENideni, et nad saaksid j2rgmine aasta meie tood j2tkata. Ma tahtsin oma viimases postituses kirjutada l2hemalt oma m6tetest ja emotsioonidest, mis mul kolme kuu jooksul tekkisid, aga ma tunnen, et see on mulle keeruline. Raske on panna s6nadesse ja veel raskem on kirjutada kogetust. Keenias olles kogesin k6ikv6imalikke emotsioone - r66mu, viha, pettumust, yllatust, hirmu, m6istmatust, aksepteerimist... Viimasel n2dalal viskas mul viimaks yle asjaolu, et kaks p2eva pole olnud normaalselt elektrit ja viis p2eva pole olnud vett. M6tlesin, et kaua v6ib! Viimasel n2dalal kogesin ma ka 22retut lahkust ja siirust, sellist mida ma Keenias oldud aja jooksul veel n2inud ei ole. Viimasel n2dalal saime Ankega aru, et me oleme kyla peal j2rk-j2rgult kuulsaks saamas, kuna huvilised v2ljaspool WEFOCOt kontakteerusid direktoriga, et me ka nende juurde tuleks r22kima. Seda oli praktika l6pus r66m kuulda. Ma ei kahetse sekunditki siia tulekut ja soovitan k6igil, kellel v2hegu huvi ja v6imalust olla vabatahtlik hoopis teises kultuuriruumis.
Arusha, Tanzania. The Headquarters of the East African Community. Those who have not heard of EAC before, it is an organization uniting the five Eastern African countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda) in order to enhance co-operation in between them. For example thanks to their work, foreigners can soon enter to Eastern Africa with one single visa for all the five countries, like the Schengen visa.
My internship in Shianda, Kenya is finished and there are a lot of emotions. In the last week, we focused on making conclusions and giving feedback. Hopefully this feedback will reach the next year's GLENnies, so they could continue where we left off. I wanted to focus more on my thoughts and emotions, but now I find doing it really hard. It is hard to put into words everything what we have experienced. Last week I got so annoyed about the fact that we did not have water for five and electricity for almost two days. I thought: I have had enough! Last week I also experienced the kindness and sincerity, which like I have not seen yet in Kenya. Last week we also understood with Anke that we are becoming sort of famous here as external groups from WEFOCO started to approach our director in mind that we would also give seminars to them. It was happy to hear that after all these months. I do not regret not even for a second that I came here and I recommend everyone, who would have an opportunity and interest to be a volunteer in totally different cultural area.