Kuna kohalik ravitseja ütles meie palvele temaga kohtuda vastuseks, et ta peab selleks vaimudega konsulteerima, siis kirjutan praeguses postituses hoopis millegist muust. Ravitsejatega peab kannatlik olema, muidu panevad veel needuse peale vms.
Muide, kui teil on soov mingi kindla teema kohta pikemalt teada saada, siis võite mulle kirjutada. Teete ka minu elu lihtsamaks ja ma ei pea enam iga kord ise selle üle pead murdma.
Hiljuti ma avastasin jälle ühe uue fenomeni Shianda külaelus - ööjooksjad. Nimelt siinmaal jookseb teatud kontingent öösiti alasti ringi. Mul oli alguses seda veidile raske uskuda, aga ringi küsimisel mitu allikat kinnitasid sama juttu. Need olevat indiviidid, kes ei saa öösiti väga hästi magada ja siis jooksevad nad ringi ning mängivad kohalikele inimestele vempe. Näiteks koputavad akendele, lükkavad uksi - mida iganes. Üldiselt pahatahtlikud nad ei ole ja päevasel ajal käituvad täiesti normaalsete inimestena.
When we asked the witch doctor if we could meet him, he answered that he has to discuss it with the spirits and he would call us about it. So we have to be patient with him and therefore this post is focused on something else.
If you have some topics, which you would like to get to know more about, let me know. Then I do not have to think each time what to write about.
Recently I discovered another phenomenom in Shianda village - nightrunners. Nightrunners are people, who run around naked during the night. At first I was skeptical to believe it, but after asking the same thing from many resources, I have to admit that there has to be some truth in it. They are people, who have some trouble of sleeping and then they would spend the night by playing the tricks on locals. For example knocking on the window or pushing the door. All of them are normal people during the day and you would never think he or she is a nightrunner.
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